The Academy

About Us

Empowerment Academy is a mission led Education business serious about Getting it Right for Girls™.

We address girls critical development stage during puberty, and take them on a personal development journey to future proofing their potential to design their life.

We meet your child where they are at, enabling them to confidently contribute their uniqueness to the world.

We empower your child to be an active change maker and level up her life skills for future success.

The Academy

About Us

Empowerment Academy is a mission led Education business serious about Getting it Right for Girls™.

We address girls critical development stage during puberty, and take them on a personal development journey to future proofing their potential to design their life.

We meet your child where they are at, enabling them to confidently contribute their uniqueness to the world.

We empower your child to be an active change maker and level up her life skills for future success.

Are you the parent of a girl age 9-17yrs ?

Help to Get it Right for your Girl

Do you want help to Get it Right for your Girl?  To educate her on the value of her being able to speak up for herself at school and with friends? To teach her to stand her ground about things that matter to her? Encourage her to design her life based on her decisions? Empower her to be free from stereotypes and create her own path? To be strong to show up for her best self?

Empowerment academy has developed a way to support your girl, encourage and enable her to feel empowered by teaching her tips tools and strategies to be her best self and chart her own path.

We empower your child to be an active change maker and level up her life skills for future success.

By design our ethos is a safe space and a positive space where girls can talk about how their development affects them.

We meet your girl where her own interests lie, and take her on a personal development journey to future proofing her potential to design her life.

We listen to your concerns around your girls development during the critical stages of puberty, and support you to act now so you can prevent the drop off in her physical activity, self-esteem and confidence issues.

We are unapologetically

A girls only club 

We are a girls only club as this is what girls tell us they want and need!

Girls supporting girls, in a safe and positive space, empowering our future empathetic female leaders.

Parent Feedback


Don’t just take Jill’s word for it. Here are some thoughts and stories from parents

“The Empowerment Academy has been a great benefit to my children as they are much more proactive, vocal, and confident. They have achieved an equivalent to a Nat 5 leadership qualification, have become leaders in coaching golf to younger girls and have held their own camps during the summer”

Dad to Erin (15)

“Empowerment Academy has been a great opportunity for both of my girls to become involved in a brilliant cause. Encouraging more young girls both into golf and to stay in golf once involved. It has given both of them such valuable experience in planning, organising and leading through golf and fun sessions for younger girls. They have had to be mature, organised, reliable and responsible in order to achieve this. These are brilliant life lessons and skills which will serve them well all through life. These attributes and activities will be excellent for their personal statements for UCAS and on CVs in the future. I think it has also helped to keep them both in golf!”

Mum to Hannah (15)

“I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I never thought I would see the day that Rachel was so confident on stage. When I think of how she used to be and with everything she has been through, it’s amazing. I am so proud of her every day but this weekend was special. She wouldn’t have got there without your never ending patience, understanding and support. Thank you a million times over”

Mum to Rachel (14)

“I truly do not think that she would have achieved this in such a positive and independent way of it wasn’t for the skills she has learnt in EA. Nor do I think that she appreciates just what she achieved on Wednesday for herself and her friends. There was none of the antagonism often seen amongst them  when they are together . There seemed to be no obvious bossiness. All of the leadership was done in such a positive and supportive way. Thank you for all that you are doing with the girls at EA.”

Mum to girl (9) 


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